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L4D2 Boycott Group to Close

Group will remain open for one more week, says it was successful

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It's over.
The Steam Group set out to boycott Valve's Left 4 Dead 2 has decided it was time to close down.
Two of the boycott's leaders have announced the closing will take place on Oct. 21. Members 'Agent of Chaos' and 'Walking_Target' both posted statements on the group's announcements page.
"We have accomplished everything we can on our manifesto," Agent of Chaos wrote. "We've been dealing with Valve ever since our group started, then we met them in-person and now we're at the point of concluding our discussions," the statement reads. "Our goal wasn't to steer people away from L4D2, it was to get Valve's attention and have them support original L4D."
The statement says along with the Crash Course pack that was released, Valve promises to release future DLC and updates, such as 4v4 matchmaking, for the original Left 4 Dead.
"We succeeded and that's where our mission ends; nothing more or less," Agent added.
Walking_Target, meanwhile, says the group had apparently begun to lose sight of its intended purpose.
"The comments are always full of trolls, people bashing Valve and phishers," the member wrote. "What is more, people are unwilling or unable to wait for Valve to follow through in any cohesive way. Valve is at least trying to make things right, there will be speed bumps on the way, however we will get there. Even if it is not as quickly as we would like."
"The boycott has served its purpose and it is now up to you all as individuals to decide what is right for you."
The group has amassed over 40,000 members since it began on June 1.


A new boycott group has been formed for those unhappy with the original boycott group closure 
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