Best Games of E3 2012
Check out the top games that we saw at this year's big show in LA

Another E3 has passed us by, with many new announcements, videos, and general hype buildup. As we wrap up New Game Network's coverage of this year's show, our staff has once again decided to take a vote and list the top 10 games seen at E3 2012.
Without further ado, here are our picks (in alphabetical order), and even a cool little video!
Without further ado, here are our picks (in alphabetical order), and even a cool little video!
Assassin's Creed III
Ubisoft has proclaimed that Assassin’s Creed III is the biggest title the company has ever done – and with what we’ve seen at E3, it is easy to believe in that fact. A sprawling campaign, new character and setting, the usual online components, and updated graphics all add up to what should be an exciting experience for both fans and newcomers alike.
Read: AC3 E3 Preview
When: October 30, 2012

When: October 30, 2012

Beyond: Two Souls
Beyond is the next title from Quantic Dream. The main character of the game is Ellen Page (Inception, Juno), who will play Jodie Holmes as the titular character in the game. Jodie is a troubled woman, and players will experience 15 years of her life during the game. Beyond will be focused on supernatural elements, as well as various ideas of after-life. The first trailer for the game brings a moody and dark atmosphere, but not without some explosive action and violently unpredictable behavior from the main heroine.
When: 2013

With an interesting campaign premise and branching missions, you can’t argue that Treyarch is trying new things. Strike Force further proves that while it won’t bring any overwhelming complexities to the series, the developers are trying to push the franchise forward. The ever-popular multiplayer and expansion of Zombie mod position Call of Duty: Black Ops II in line to be yet another blockbuster.
When: November 13, 2012


Dishonored feels like an intriguing effort. Part Deus Ex, part BioShock, the game is an attempt to bring a steampunk setting to life while offering solid gameplay and plenty of action/stealth sandboxes. It’s got all the makings of being one of the best new IPs to be released in 2012.
When: October 9, 2012


MGR is ridiculous, alright, but also exhilarating and memorable. And that’s exactly what Platinum Games are going for, and have previously pulled off with titles like Bayonetta and Vanquish. With a touch of creative gameplay design, and backed by the top writers of Kojima Productions, Metal Gear Rising looks to be not only be worthy of the series’ name, but a memorable gaming experience all on its own.
When: Q1, 2013


The list continues on page 2....