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War of the Roses DLC out this week

First content drop adds new mode, weapons

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Paradox Interactive has said the first in a series of monthly content updates for War of the Roses, the medieval brawler from Paradox Interactive, is arriving this Wednesday, November 21.

The update introduces new armaments to every knight’s arsenal, including the Kingmaker sword, a finely crafted piece of steel brandished by legendary English nobleman Richard Neville, otherwise known as Warwick the Kingmaker. A new suit of heavy armor will also be available to choose with different paint options to customize one’s look. One new helmet, four new visors, and seven new weapons, including the gothic mace, the halberd, and the horn-spanned crossbow, will also join the fray.

Players will also be introduced to a new game mode, known as Pitched Battle. The mode will begin an Open Beta when the update arrives, and all War of the Roses players can join. In Pitched Battle, each knight has only one life to risk on the battlefield per round; when a combatant perishes, he cannot return to the fight until the next match. Bandaging one’s wounds and reviving teammates will be crucial to victory, and executing opponents to keep them out of the fight will decide which is the last team standing.

War of the Roses released on PC last month. For more on the game, read our War of the Roses Review.

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War of the Roses

War of the Roses

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Our Review of War of the Roses
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Game Ranking
War of the Roses is ranked #1047 out of 1996 total reviewed games. It is ranked #93 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
1047. War of the Roses
1048. Towns
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War of the Roses
14 images added Oct 10, 2012 20:43
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