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Platform: Xbox 360
Reviewed on PC

Syndicate now in stores

Cyberpunk World rebooted as first person shooter

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EA and Starbreeze Studios today announced that Syndicate is now available at retail stores across North America.

A re-imagining of EA’s classic from 1993, Syndicate blends action and futuristic settings with chip breach gameplay mechanic. Using the advanced DART 6 bio-chip technology implanted in their head, gamers can dilate time, see through walls, and breach the digital world and enemies around them.

Set in 2069, with no government to question their intentions or actions, mega corporations are at the forefront of a war. Stepping into the mind of Miles Kilo, Eurocorp’s latest prototype agent, gamers embark on an action adventure.

Syndicate features a four-player co-op mode where gamers play as an upstart syndicate, Wulf Western, aggressively taking over the rival syndicates. Throughout the co-op campaign, players will be fighting their way through nine different missions, many of which have been reimagined from the original game.

Developed by Starbreeze Studios, Syndicate is now available in North America and will be available February 24 in Europe for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.
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Xbox 360
Our Review of Syndicate
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Syndicate (PC) is ranked #899 out of 1975 total reviewed games. It is ranked #84 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
899. Syndicate
900. Shoot Many Robots
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Syndicate - Co-op trailer
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