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Platform: Xbox Series X
Reviewed on PC

The Talos Principle 2 out now

Puzzle game sequel is released

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Devolver Digital and developer Croteam have launched The Talos Principle II, sequel to 2014’s philosophical puzzler.

The new adventure spans a world where biological humanity is extinct, but where humankind continues on through a civilization of robotic beings. After hearing the call of a mysterious presence, this futuristic society must earn answers and its potential discovery of life-changing technology - achievable only through overcoming the puzzles and challenges.

Using Unreal Engine 5, The Talos Principle II is available today on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5.

The Talos Principle 2

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The Talos Principle 2

The Talos Principle 2

The Talos Principle 2
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The Talos Principle 2
The Talos Principle 2 box art Platform:
Xbox Series X
Our Review of The Talos Principle 2
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
The Talos Principle 2 (PC) is ranked #142 out of 1984 total reviewed games. It is ranked #3 out of 101 games reviewed in 2023.
141. Starfield
142. The Talos Principle 2
143. Desperados 3
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