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Scorn game in development

An atmospheric first-person horror adventure is coming soon

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Kowloon Nights and Ebb Software have announced Scorn, a first-person horror adventure game.

Scorn’s development began in 2014, and with the help of thousands of backers and additional funding from Kowloon Nights, Ebb Software was able to bring the game to a reality.

Scorn is designed around the idea of being thrown into the world. As players explore the dream-like world in a non-linear fashion, they will soon learn that every location has its own story, puzzles, and characters – even the unsettling environment is a character itself.

The team has drawn visual inspiration from Swiss painter H.R. Giger and Polish painter Zdzislaw Beksinski. Conceptual inspiration has come from works by unique writers like Franz Kafka and Jorge Luis Borges, horror and sci-fi writers like Thomas Ligotti and J.G. Ballard, and the weird cinema of David Cronenberg and David Lynch.

Scorn is planned for release on PC and Xbox Series X.

Scorn xbox game

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Our Review of Scorn
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Scorn is ranked #1897 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #106 out of 111 games reviewed in 2022.
1896. Crash Team Rumble
PlayStation 5
1897. Scorn
1898. King's Bounty 2

8 images added Oct 19, 2022 17:01
Scorn - Debut Trailer
Posted: May 7, 2020 13:43
Scorn - Gameplay Trailer
Posted: Oct 22, 2020 13:38
Scorn - Launch Window Trailer
Posted: Dec 10, 2021 17:17
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