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Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire announced

The second major expansion for MMO coming this September

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ArenaNet has announced Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, the second expansion to MMO Guild Wars 2, that will launch September 22, 2017.

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire will see players return to the Crystal Desert from the original Guild Wars, and to the northern reaches of Elona, the land of Guild Wars: Nightfall, 250 years on.

The expansion will bring Mounts. Promising more simple speed boost, mounts are a whole new way to explore the world of Tyria. Players will unlock and train new companions using the max-level Mastery character progression system.

Players can continue to evolve and customize their level-80 characters with new elite specializations for each profession. A variety of new playstyles, weapon choices, and traits to choose from result in more options than ever to play.

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is available for pre-purchase as a standalone expansion (starting at $29.99) or as part of a bundle with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns (starting at $49.99). Everyone who purchases Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire will receive a Max-Level Boost to instantly raise one character’s level to 80 and provide gear and gold to help them begin their journey.

Guild Wars 2 is available on PC and has both a free to play and paid model.

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire

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Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2
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Guild Wars 2 is ranked #100 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #12 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
100. Guild Wars 2
101. Crysis 2
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