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Dragon Age: Origins gets on the comic bandwagon

The latest RPG from BioWare is getting it's own comic, courtesy of Penny Arcade

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BioWare has joined forces with Gabe & Tycho, the creative artists of the popular Penny Arcade web comic ( to create a new 8-part web comic based on BioWare’s upcoming epic, dark fantasy Dragon Age: Origins.
The Dragon Age: Origins web comic features an all-new Penny Arcade treatment of a dangerous encounter between a party of mage-hunting Templar knights, the reviled “Witch of the Wilds” Flemeth and her deadly, magic-wielding daughter Morrigan. Featuring its own original storyline, this new Penny Arcade comic will give readers a dark introduction to the brutal world of Dragon Age: Origins.
Fans can view the first page of the series today at with a new page being revealed every week. Fans will also see an exclusive Q&A with Penny Arcade on the site as they share some of their impressions and favorite moments of Dragon Age: Origins.
To see and play the game that inspired the new Penny Arcade comic, players can get a special advance look at Dragon Age: Origins at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo:
Where: Washington State Convention & Trade Center
Seattle, WA 98101-2350
Dragon Age: Origins Booth # 622
When: Friday, September 4th – Sunday, September 6th
Dragon Age: Origins is coming to PC and Xbox 360 in North America on November 3 and later in November for PS3. For more information and to see the new Penny Arcade Dragon Age: Origins web comic, visit
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Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

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Our Review of Dragon Age: Origins
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Game Ranking
Dragon Age: Origins is ranked #73 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #8 out of 63 games reviewed in 2009.
73. Dragon Age: Origins
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