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Killzone: Shadow Fall preorder bonuses revealed

Extras inclide skins, soundtrack, multiplayer content

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Guerrilla Games has announced some exclusive preorder bonuses for the upcoming shooter Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Customers who order the game early will get the Shadow Pack – a bundle of exclusive content that will grant you access to a unique OWL skin, MP Spotlight Move, and the Official Soundtrack.

The OWL combat drone gives players more freedom in choosing how each fight plays out. The OWL has several modes of operation you can activate via DualShock 4‘s touch pad: a stun mode, which creates an area-of-effect shock blast that stuns enemies and disrupts electronics; an attack mode, in which the OWL attacks anyone within range or targets a specific enemy; a shield mode, which creates a one-way energy shield in front of you; and finally, a zipline mode, which allows you to quickly and safely reach lower areas.

Killzone: Shadow Fall will launch alongside the PlayStation 4 later this year.

Killzone: Shadow Fall DLC Shadow Pack

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Killzone: Shadow Fall

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Killzone: Shadow Fall
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Killzone: Shadow Fall
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PlayStation 4
Our Review of Killzone: Shadow Fall
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Killzone: Shadow Fall is ranked #1148 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #95 out of 160 games reviewed in 2013.
1147. Ni no Kuni
PlayStation 3
1148. Killzone: Shadow Fall
1149. Shadow Warrior
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