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Platform: PlayStation 3
Reviewed on PC

Thomas Was Alone coming to PSN

Minimalistic indie puzzle game on Sony platforms

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Sony and Mike Bithell have announced that this Spring, Thomas Was Alone is coming to PlayStation 3 and PS Vita (with cross buy).

Thomas Was Alone is a platformer where the goal is simple – get all the characters to their exit portals. You’ll find that becomes increasingly harder than it sounds. Use their skills in tandem, be it flotation, anti-gravity, bounciness or, well, jumping slightly higher.

Along the way, you’ll hear an awesome story narrated by Danny Wallace (Assassin’s Creed) and scored by the epically talented David Housden. On PS Vita, you can use the touchscreens to select characters, or to control the camera.

Finally, there is a new creator’s commentary for the main game itself, and there’s a new timed exclusive DLC prologue about a square who is given a jetpack.

Thomas Was Alone first released on PC last summer.

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Thomas Was Alone

Thomas Was Alone

Thomas Was Alone
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Thomas Was Alone
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PlayStation 3
Our Review of Thomas Was Alone
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Thomas Was Alone (PC) is ranked #1012 out of 2001 total reviewed games. It is ranked #91 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
1011. Terraria
Xbox 360
1012. Thomas Was Alone
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