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Homeworld 3 delayed

The return of space RTS franchise has been postponed

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Gearbox Publishing and developer Blackbird Interactive have announced that Homeworld 3 has been delayed.

Previously planned to release on March 8, the space RTS will now launch on May 13.

"After careful analysis of feedback, we made the decision to delay the global launch of Homeworld 3, with advanced access set for May 10, to ensure that we’re making the final tweaks needed to deliver at the level of quality that we strive for and you deserve," said the developers.

In this sci-fi RTS, players asume control and battle through fleet combat in 3D space. Since the end of Homeworld 2, the galaxy enjoyed an age of abundance thanks to the Hyperspace Gate Network. Cycles of plenty and war have come and gone. Now the gates themselves are catastrophically failing and Karan, who has passed into myth and religious idolatry, is the key to the mystery threatening a galaxy’s future.

The title is expected to release on PC.

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Homeworld 3
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Our Review of Homeworld 3
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Homeworld 3 is ranked #959 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #33 out of 83 games reviewed in 2024.
958. My Friend Pedro
959. Homeworld 3
960. Halo Infinite
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