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Platform: PC
Reviewed on PlayStation 5

Fighting game Sifu out now

New game inspired by classic Kung Fu fighting movies

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Developer and publisher Sloclap have announced that the Kung Fu action game Sifu is available today.

Sifu is set in a fictional Chinese city where players uncover an ancient mystery via a series of difficult confrontations. Fighters will need to rely on a mastery of Kung Fu and a magical pendant that revives them after death. The cost of magic is dear, however, and drastically ages a fighter with each revival.

Fans can look forward to planned future content and DLC for Sifu, including a coming free update incorporating an all-Chinese (Mandarin) VO version currently being recorded in Beijing.

Sifu is out now for $39.99 USD for the standard edition and $49.99 USD for the Deluxe Edition, and available on PC, PS4, and PS5.

Sifu game

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Our Review of Sifu
Reviewed on PlayStation 5
Game Ranking
Sifu (PlayStation 5) is ranked #391 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #6 out of 111 games reviewed in 2022.
390. Huntdown
Xbox One
391. Sifu
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