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Import saves into The Witcher 2

Geralt fans will be pleased to learn you can use the save games from the first Witcher game to impact on the relationships and choices for the sequel.

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In a similar fashion to Mass Effect 2, The Witcher 2 is allowing PC gamers to import their save games from the prequel. These save games will preseve the "status" of Geralt. It is unclear just how much impact importing saves will have on the big story choices. However it is clear that characters will react differently to you based on how you interacted with them in the first game.

It is possible that these changes will effect the erotic relationships Geralt can undertake in the sequel. One major choice in the first game included being able to romance with either Shani or Triss which also altered some of the sequences toward the end of the game. The Witcher 2 is planned to hit PC early next year with the possibility ofconsole versions later.
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Witcher 2 is ranked #49 out of 2002 total reviewed games. It is ranked #7 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
48. Mass Effect
49. Witcher 2
50. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
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