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Nex Machina announced
A new high intensity action game from creators of Resogun
Housemarque have announced Nex Machina, a top-down action shooter.
Taking hints from both Robotron and Smash TV, Nex Machina focuses on pure arcade action, voxel destruction, and competition. In a world where humans have become more and more addicted to technology, machines have evolved from simple helpers to replacements for unwanted jobs — conscious entities with their own feelings. Robots surpassed mankind’s abilities, becoming the superior being, and started to refuse to serve us.
"We’ve been thinking long and hard about how to bring back a “true arcade experience” in a world where arcade halls are almost extinct. Nex Machina is our shot at cracking that problem," said the developers.
Nex Machina is coming to PlayStation 4 in 2017.

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