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Platform: Xbox 360

Kinect Nat Geo TV

Kinect Nat Geo TV blends world-renowned Nat Geo WILD TV show episodes with intuitive Kinect for Xbox 360 technology, transporting kids and their families around the world to expand their knowledge while inspiring a sense of wonder and excitement. Through the magic of Kinect interactivity, do more than just watch episodes — engage, play and learn as Kinect Nat Geo TV turns your living room into an animal habitat and you into a variety of animals, such as a bear, without ever leaving your living room.

Kinect Nat Geo TV Screenshots (10)
Kinect Nat Geo TV Review - Oct 4, 2012 22:26
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Game Screens
Kinect Nat Geo TV

Kinect Nat Geo TV

Kinect Nat Geo TV

Kinect Nat Geo TV
Kinect Nat Geo TV
Kinect Nat Geo TV box art Platform:
Xbox 360
Our Review of Kinect Nat Geo TV
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Kinect Nat Geo TV is ranked #761 out of 2001 total reviewed games. It is ranked #74 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
760. NHL 13
Xbox 360
761. Kinect Nat Geo TV
762. Wonderbook: Book of Spells
PlayStation 3
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