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Torchlight Destroyer Combat

Brief action sequence in Torchlight, Black Palace levels, shows some skills in use with dual wielding weapons and leveling up mid combat.
Other Torchlight Videos
Torchlight: The Vanquisher - Sep 15, 2009 03:46
Video introducing action for the Vanquisher class. Music sound familiar? That's because it's by Matt Uelmen, composer for Diablo 1 and 2.
Torchlight box art Platform:
Our Review of Torchlight
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Torchlight is ranked #288 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #15 out of 63 games reviewed in 2009.
287. BioShock 2
288. Torchlight
289. Risen
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25 images added Nov 8, 2009 04:31
Torchlight: The Vanquisher
Posted: Sep 15, 2009 03:46
Torchlight Destroyer Combat
Posted: Nov 8, 2009 06:06
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