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Final campaign episode for Arma 3 next week

The Win story chapter coming March 20

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Bohemia Interactive has set a release date for the third and final campaign episode of their tactical military shooter, Arma 3.

Available on Thursday March 20th, players will be able to conclude the story of infantryman Ben Kerry - a soldier who’s been stationed in the Republic of Altis & Stratis as part of a NATO-peacekeeping mission. The final act follows the situation as it escalates further, with NATO forces in the Mediterranean on the brink of all-out war with the AAF and their strategic partners, CSAT.

The episode’s content package also includes three brand new vehicles. The first new vehicle making its way into Arma 3’s sandbox is the A-164 Wipeout single-seat aircraft. The other new aircraft is the To-199 Neophron, which serves as a great addition to the CSAT forces due to its agility. The third new vehicle is a 6x6 mine resistant standard transport truck, named Tempest.

The Win campaign episode, including the new vehicles and other content, will be made available to all Arma 3 owners as an automatic update on Steam.

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ArmA 3 is ranked #1035 out of 1975 total reviewed games. It is ranked #88 out of 159 games reviewed in 2013.
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14 images added Sep 13, 2013 20:47
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