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Platform: PlayStation 3
Reviewed on Xbox 360

007 Legends Skyfall DLC released

Free mission for Bond fans to celebrate the release of the film

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Activision has confirmed that the Skyfall DLC for 007 Legends - based on the blockbuster film in theaters now - is available to download for free today on PlayStation Network.

Capping off the first-of-its-kind James Bond video game experience, the SKYFALL mission sends players into the heart of Istanbul to hunt down a brutal assassin. It quickly turns into a chase, taking fans on a pursuit that ends atop a speeding train as a mysterious sniper nearly ends Bond's life.

To maintain authenticity, 007 Legends features a roster of past and present Bond film talent, including two rising stars from the SKYFALL movie. Naomie Harris lends her voice and likeness as her character Eve and Ola Rapace lends his likeness as his character Patrice.

The Skyfall DLC will also arrive on November 20th on Xbox LIVE and PC. For more on the game, check our 007 Legends review.

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007 Legends

007 Legends

007 Legends

007 Legends
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007 Legends
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PlayStation 3
Our Review of 007 Legends
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
007 Legends (Xbox 360) is ranked #1821 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #137 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
1821. 007 Legends
1822. Project Spark
Xbox One
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