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God of War: Ascension to feature multiplayer

Prequel to the franchise to bring multiplayer for the first time in the series

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Sony Computer Entertainment has revealed new details about the upcoming God of War: Ascension, the newest installment of the God of War franchise, exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

"The bar has been set quite high for this franchise as each God of War title succeeds in being better than the last," said Todd Papy, Game Director, God of War: Ascension. "But, unlike previous releases, we're providing a deeper look into Kratos' tormented past and psyche that fans have not seen before."

For the first time ever in a God of War game, players can compete in online or offline multiplayer battles that combine the fierce combat and scale of the franchise with a unique gameplay experience. Built off of the single-player campaign, this brand new option can include up to eight players and offers a variety of different multiplayer modes, along with customizable avatar warriors with a range of weapons, armor, and more.

God of War: Ascension will also feature a revamped combat and weapon system, promptless mini-games, and new puzzle challenges, coupled with fluid, life-like characters, dynamic lighting effects, and world-changing scenarios that will truly bring Kratos and the environment around him to life.

Set in the realm of Greek mythology, God of War: Ascension is an adventure that allows players to take on the role of the ex-Spartan warrior Kratos as he finds a way to break the blood oath that binds him to the god, Ares. Six months after being tricked into killing his wife and child, a younger Kratos is sentenced to a life of madness with the Furies, caged in a titan sized prison for the living damned. Fighting insanity, his will is tested to the limit as he seeks to break his bond and gain the clarity to seek revenge on Ares for his part in the death of his family.
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God of War: Ascension

God of War: Ascension

God of War: Ascension

God of War: Ascension
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Our Review of God of War: Ascension
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
God of War: Ascension is ranked #716 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #60 out of 159 games reviewed in 2013.
715. Child of Eden
Xbox 360
716. God of War: Ascension
717. Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
PlayStation 3
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