Red Orchestra 2 Mod SDK now available
Modding and map making tools released
Tripwire Interactive has confirmed the release of the modding and map making tools for Red Orchestra 2, available free to everyone that owns the game.
While the limited functionality preview versions of the SDK have been available to select modders for a while, this release now makes the full capabilities of the Mod SDK available to everyone. Users can now make and publish everything from simple mods and mutators, through custom maps and on to full total conversion mods.
The Mod SDK is available to download from Steam, completely free to anyone that owns Red Orchestra 2.
While the limited functionality preview versions of the SDK have been available to select modders for a while, this release now makes the full capabilities of the Mod SDK available to everyone. Users can now make and publish everything from simple mods and mutators, through custom maps and on to full total conversion mods.
The Mod SDK is available to download from Steam, completely free to anyone that owns Red Orchestra 2.

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