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Hackers take down Super Meat Boy Servers

Hacking group Anonymous intrudes Super Meat World server, causing issues for all Steam players

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It seems it's a bad idea to ignore warnings from users about your game's security. As developers behind Super Meat Boy found out today, these threats can turn very real and impact your customers.

First spotted by
Steam users, Super Meat Boy World (the online hub for the game which stores all leaderboards and other user info) is currently down. It has been taken down by an alleged member of the Anonymous hacking group, after he was brushed off by the developers when trying to reveal a potential security flaw.

As seen in
this image, the hacker attempted to let the developers know via Twitter that their systems aren't secure. After being ignored, he proceeded to actually intrude and modify the Super Meat Boy servers, affecting all leaderboards and rendering users unable to upload their information and earn the achievement for today's Steam Winter sale.

At the time of writing, the game itself is playable and the developers seem to have resolved the SQL error which was caused by the external intrusion. However, the system remains a bit unstable and some users still report being unable to earn new achievements. It will likely be best to try tomorrow when things are more stable.

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Our Review of Super Meat Boy
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Game Ranking
Super Meat Boy is ranked #224 out of 1975 total reviewed games. It is ranked #29 out of 90 games reviewed in 2010.
224. Super Meat Boy
225. Fight Night Champion
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5 images added Jan 13, 2011 19:54
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