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Platform: PlayStation 3
Reviewed on Xbox 360

Exclusive features of Child of Eden for PS3 detailed

PlayStation 3 Version to support PlayStation Move Controller and 3D

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Ubisoft & Sony Computer Entertainment have unveiled the game details for Child of Eden on the PlayStation 3. Developed by Q? Entertainment under the direction of the creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the PS3 version of Child of Eden will launch on September 27th and will feature Move compatibility and stereoscopic 3D support.

We’re excited to be bringing the critically acclaimed Child of Eden experience to PS3,” said Tony Key, senior vice president of sales & marketing for Ubisoft North America. “This is one of those special, rare games that belong in every gamer’s library, and the PlayStation®Move integration coupled with the ability to play the game in 3D make for an even more unique experience on PlayStation 3.”

Child of Eden thrusts the player into the center of a battle to save Project Lumi, a mission to reproduce a human personality inside Eden, the archive of all human memories. As the project nears completion, the archive is invaded by an unknown virus. The player’s mission is to save Eden from the virus, restoring hope and peace.

The game launched on Xbox 360 earlier this year.

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Child of Eden

Child of Eden

Child of Eden

Child of Eden
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Child of Eden
Child of Eden box art Platform:
PlayStation 3
Our Review of Child of Eden
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
Child of Eden (Xbox 360) is ranked #711 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #69 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
711. Child of Eden
712. God of War: Ascension
PlayStation 3
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Child of Eden
10 images added Jun 19, 2011 03:57
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