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Thursday February 13, 2025
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Contest: Win a Resistance 3 Multiplayer Beta key

Don't have a code or subscribe to PSN+? Find out how you can still participate in Resistance 3 beta!

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Contest has been closed!
Congrats to our winner @biezulbubBILL69! Thanks to everyone who entered!
Sony is set to release the highly anticipated shooter, Resistance 3, this September. The multiplayer beta is now underway , however it is only currently open to voucher code owners or PlayStation Plus users!

If you're neither of the above - no problem! Here is your chance to win a Resistance 3 Multiplayer beta access key!

New Game Network is giving away One (1) key for the PlayStation Network that will allow our lucky winner to access the Resistance 3 MP beta starting August 4th!

How to Enter: Simply
Follow us on Twitter and RT this message. We will pick a random winner on Monday August 8th between 10PM and 11PM EST!

The lucky winner will be sent a PSN code via a private message on Twitter. Contest is only open to users in North America due to PSN restrictions.

Best of luck to everyone!

Legal things:
ENTRY: No purchase necessary to enter or win. To enter the contest, you must be A) Following @NewGameNetwork on Twitter and B) Must re-tweet the required message.
ELIGIBILITY: Void where prohibited by law. Only one entry per person per Twitter account.
PRIZE: One prize will be given out. The prize will consist of a PSN code, which will grant the user access to the Resistance 3 Multiplayer beta - beginning August 4th.
WINNER SELECTION: The winner will be selected on Monday, August 8th between 10PM and 11PM EST. The eligible entries will only be those Twitter users who are currently following @newgamenetwork and who have retweeted the required message.
NOTIFICATION: The winner will be notified with a private message via Twitter, and must reply to accept his prize before it will be sent. The winner will then be sent the PSN code.
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Resistance 3

Resistance 3

Resistance 3

Resistance 3
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Resistance 3
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PlayStation 3
Our Review of Resistance 3
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Resistance 3 is ranked #563 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #55 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
562. HAWX 2
Xbox 360
563. Resistance 3
564. Dead Island
Xbox 360
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