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Torchlight sells one million units

RPG from Runic Games reaches sales milestone

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Runic Games has announced that their dungeon crawler title Torchlight has officially sold over one million units across all platforms (PC, Mac, and Xbox).

The announcement comes after closing a successful 4th of July holiday sale on Steam, which kicked-off a Deal of the Week promotion on Xbox. This sale also coincides with the simultaneous Xbox unlock of a new spell by the Xbox community.

"We're very excited to share Torchlight's success with our fans and supporters. It's been a great ride so far and we can't wait to give everyone more of what they want in Torchlight II," said President Travis Baldree. "It isn't every day you sell a million games. We're grateful to be here."

Torchlight was released in October 2009 for PC, and premiered on Xbox on March 9th, 2011. Runic Games is currently developing the PC-based multi-player sequel, Torchlight II.
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Our Review of Torchlight
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Torchlight is ranked #288 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #15 out of 63 games reviewed in 2009.
287. BioShock 2
288. Torchlight
289. Risen
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