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Deadly Premonition coming to Xbox LIVE

Horror title will soon be available to download from Games on Demand

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Rising Star Games has announced Deadly Premonition is coming to Microsoft Xbox LIVE Games on Demand.

Developed by Access Games, Deadly Premonition is an open-world game set in Greenvale, a secluded rural town in North-West America. Playing as FBI Special Agent Francis York, gamers are charged with solving the shocking, ritualistic and brutal murder of a local girl, unravelling the mystery via clues, lies and a trail of bodies.

“Deadly Premonition is a quirky and unique title we are proud to have published,” says Martin Defries, managing director, Rising Star Games. “We knew there was an audience for the title and we delivered them the game they wanted. Now Deadly Premonition is on Games on Demand it will give even more people a chance to marvel at this completely individual title.”

Deadly Premonition is to be released on the Xbox Live Network via Games on Demand on July 5th 2011.
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Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition
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Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition box art Platform:
Xbox 360
Our Review of Deadly Premonition
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Deadly Premonition is ranked #605 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #50 out of 90 games reviewed in 2010.
605. Deadly Premonition
606. Puzzle Dimension
PlayStation 3
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Deadly Premonition
11 images added Jun 3, 2011 01:19
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