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Platform: PlayStation 3
Reviewed on PC

Alice: Madness Returns hits retail

Anticipated Sequel arrives today

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Electronic Arts and Spicy Horse have announced that the dark and deranged fantasy/adventure videogame Alice: Madness Returns is now available at retail stores in North America.

A sequel to the original PC hit American McGee’s Alice, the new title finds a grown-up Alice finally free from Rutledge Asylum for the Insane, but still grappling with the horror and survivor's guilt of the tragic fire that killed her family 11 years earlier. Alice returns to Wonderland to uncover the truth about her past. But what was once a place of refuge has now been transformed into a sinister nightmare, and madness threatens to overcome both Alice and Wonderland.

“Spicy Horse is proud to bring players back to the beautiful yet dark world we have created for Alice,” said American McGee, Spicy Horse Games Co-Founder and Senior Creative Director. “The team has gone to great lengths to make sure that both fans of the franchise and newcomers alike will find themselves eager to tumble down the rabbit hole again thanks to an immersive story and distinctive art style.”

With the purchase of Alice: Madness Returns, EA is offering a one-time-use Online Pass registration code (for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360) that gives players access to the original cult-classic American McGee's Alice, and a download for the original PC version for those who purchase a PC version of the game on EA

Alice: Madness Returns is available now in North America for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows PC.
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Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns
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PlayStation 3
Our Review of Alice: Madness Returns
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Alice: Madness Returns (PC) is ranked #700 out of 1975 total reviewed games. It is ranked #67 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
699. MotorStorm: Apocalypse
PlayStation 3
700. Alice: Madness Returns
701. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
PlayStation 3

Alice: Madness Returns
4 images added Jul 22, 2010 05:06
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