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Platform: Xbox One
Reviewed on PC

The Outlast Trials out now

New chapter in horror game franchise adds multiplayer

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Developer Red Barrels have announced the launch of The Outlast Trials.

Since its Early Access launch on PC in May 2023, with over 1.6 million copies sold worldwide, the full version of the game is now available. The v1.0 release promises new content and significant enhancements, new Trials and character customization options, weekly challenges, controller support, and cross-play.

It’s 1959, and the trans-national Murkoff Corporation is using a recruitment agency to identify potential test subjects to turn into the perfect sleeper agents. These “Reagents” are forced to undergo terrible physical and psychological trials.

The Outlast Trials is available digitally for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

The Outlast Trials

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The Outlast Trials

The Outlast Trials

The Outlast Trials
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The Outlast Trials
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Our Review of The Outlast Trials
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
The Outlast Trials (PC) is ranked #1765 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #73 out of 83 games reviewed in 2024.
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1765. The Outlast Trials
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