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Cities: Skylines II out this October

City building simulation sequel out this Fall

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Paradox Interactive and Colossal Order have announced that Cities: Skylines II is planned for launch on October 24, 2023.

In Cities: Skylines II, players can build detailed cities at a grand scale. Economic systems present players with choices that have ripple effects across the city. Dynamic maps set in various biomes present both challenges and opportunities for city builders. Each citizen has their own individual life, including occupation, household, relationships and more, making cities feel alive. Players can now follow how their choices affect citizens’ lives, adding weight and immediate impact to every strategic decision.

Players start by picking a map, with each environment presenting its own challenges, climate, and opportunities. From there, players manage a series of interconnected simulation systems as they build and grow their city. Build roads, lay out districts, set up infrastructure, and manage citizens’ needs as the population grows from a small town to a sweeping metropolis.

Pre-orders are now available for a suggested retail price of $49.99 USD. Fans can also pre-order the Ultimate Edition for $89.99 USD and receive the Expansion Pass, including an instantly unlocked San Francisco set at Launch, and an Asset Pack, two Content Creator Packs, three Radio Stations, and Expansion unlocking over time.

Cities: Skylines II will be released on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

Cities: Skylines II

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Cities: Skylines II

Cities: Skylines II

Cities: Skylines II

Cities: Skylines II
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Our Review of Cities: Skylines II
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Cities: Skylines II is ranked #1295 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #52 out of 101 games reviewed in 2023.
1294. The Crew Motorfest
Xbox Series X
1295. Cities: Skylines II
1296. Terraformers
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