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Platform: Xbox One
Reviewed on PC

Diablo IV server slam starts

Last chance to play the game before launch

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The server slam for Diablo IV has begun. Running from May 12-14 the server slam event is the last chance that players will get to experience Sanctuary before the game’s release date on June 6. All players will start from level 0 as progress from previous beta events has been wiped.

As with the last betas, players will receive titles and gear for playing the server slam. They’ll receive an Initial Casualty Title for reaching Kyovashad with one character. An Early Voyager Title is earned by reaching Level 20 on one character. Players who reach level twenty will get a Beta Wolf Pack Cosmetic Item. And new to the server slam is a Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy, which can be unlocked by defeating Ashava with one Level 20 character.

Diablo IV is coming on June 6 for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Our Review of Diablo 4
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Diablo 4 (PC) is ranked #276 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #10 out of 101 games reviewed in 2023.
275. Planet Zoo
276. Diablo 4
277. Returnal
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