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Platform: Xbox One

We should talk released

Short-Form Narrative Title out now

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Developer Insatiable Cycle and publisher Whitethorn Digital have announced that their narrative game We should talk is available now.

We should talk is a game about relationships and the nuance of communication that will make you think carefully about the words you choose.

Using a unique narrative choice mechanic, you'll craft sentences in response to the in-game characters. Through this careful choice of words, you'll be able to express yourself as you discuss ongoing problems about life and romance with Sam, your in-game partner, over text messages, while also chatting with friends and strangers at your favorite local bar about what’s on your mind.

We should talk is available for $6.99 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One; as well as on Steam for PC, Mac, and Linux platforms.

We should talk game

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We should talk

We should talk

We should talk

We should talk
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We should talk is ranked #1909 out of 2000 total reviewed games. It is ranked #122 out of 130 games reviewed in 2020.
1909. We should talk
1910. Dragon Ball: The Breakers
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We should talk
5 images added Jul 25, 2020 14:49
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