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Daemon X Machina out today

New mech action game released

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Nintendo has announced that Daemon X Machina is out today.

In this new action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda (Armored Core) and mech designer Shoji Kawamori, your environment is your ally. Collect and use Femto Energy on the field to boost your stats and create powerful mirages, or wield objects like cars and street signs as melee weapons and projectiles. For even more power, upgrade your physical combat abilities and learn new skills through body modification.

Daemon X Machina is available only on Nintendo Switch.

Daemon X Machina

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Daemon X Machina

Daemon X Machina

Daemon X Machina

Daemon X Machina
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Game Ranking
Daemon X Machina is ranked #1832 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #129 out of 143 games reviewed in 2019.
1831. Strikers Edge
1832. Daemon X Machina
1833. Zombie Tycoon 2
PlayStation 3

Daemon X Machina
12 images added Sep 21, 2019 15:43
Daemon X Machina - Debut Trailer
Posted: Jun 12, 2018 14:26
Daemon X Machina - Gamescom Trailer
Posted: Aug 22, 2018 14:53
Daemon X Machina - TGS 2018 Trailer
Posted: Sep 20, 2018 23:14
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