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Platform: Xbox One

Kerbal Space Program 2 announced

Rocket building simulator returns for another round

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Private Division and Star Theory Games have announced that Kerbal Space Program 2 is coming Spring 2020.

Kerbal Space Program 2 promises a multitude of ways for players to further their space adventures with new planets to explore, new technologies to traverse the stars, and the ability to establish colonies, all rooted in real-world science.

Players will be able to build without the constraints of planetary gravitation for the first time, which allows for larger constructions and more complex creations – including interstellar vessels. In addition, players will be able to share these experiences collectively in multiplayer for the first time.

The sequel will also introduce updated planets and parts, additional modding support, and an improved tutorial.

Kerbal Space Program 2 will launch for $59.99USD on PC in Spring 2020, and later for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Kerbal Space Program 2

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