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Platform: Switch
Reviewed on PC

Mages of Mystralia coming to Switch

Action-adventure lets you design spells

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Developer Borealys Games has announced that Mages of Mystralia is coming to the Nintendo Switch on January 29, 2019.

In Mages of Mystralia, you play as Zia, a young girl who discovers that she has been born with an innate sense of magic. Unfortunately, magic has been banned, so she strikes off to train on her own to gain some control over her powers. On her journey, she meets other exiled mages and, discovers runes with magical properties and realizes that she can combine these runes in millions of different ways to come up with completely new spells.

Mages of Mystralia was first released on PC, Xbox One and PS4 in 2017.

Mages of Mystralia

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Mages of Mystralia

Mages of Mystralia

Mages of Mystralia
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Our Review of Mages of Mystralia
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Mages of Mystralia (PC) is ranked #1239 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #101 out of 174 games reviewed in 2017.
1238. Attack on Titan 2
PlayStation 4
1239. Mages of Mystralia
1240. Kirby Star Allies
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