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Desperados 3 announced

A new real-time tactics game is in development in the Wild West series

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THQ Nordic and German game studio Mimimi have announced the development of Desperados 3.

Heavily inspired by the first game of the franchise, Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Desperados 3 will allow the player to approach each mission with a wide variety of different solutions and routes. As the player’s gang will always be outnumbered, only smart use of both the environment and each Desperado’s unique character skills will guarantee a victorious outcome.

Desperados 3 is a modern real-time tactics game set in a harsh Wild West scenario. You take control of a ragtag band becoming a highly functional group of unlikely heroes and heroines. The very different strong personalities struggle to cooperate at first, but ultimately join forces to combine their distinctive specialties and challenge a seemingly superior foe.

Desperados 3 is planned for release on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 in 2019.

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Desperados 3 is ranked #143 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #3 out of 130 games reviewed in 2020.
143. Desperados 3
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