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Sea of Thieves reaches 2 million players during launch week

Becomes best-selling Microsoft Studios first-party title on Windows 10

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Rare and Microsoft has provided an update on the launch week for Sea of Thieves.

According to the company, Sea of Thieves is the fastest-selling first-party new IP of this generation. More than a million players tried to login on launch day, and in the first week that number reached more than two million players. Alongside this, Sea of Thieves is already the best-selling Microsoft Studios first-party title on Windows 10.

More than 100,000 players have streamed Sea of Thieves since launch, resulting in more than 10 million hours watched in the last week. More than half of a million new Xbox Live friendships have been forged to date and over 400,000 players have joined an Xbox Club.

"We know the response has led to some scale challenges and exposed some bugs we have addressed and will continue to address. Please know that the team at Rare is working hard to tackle any player-impacting issues and this is our number one priority," the company added.

Sea of Thieves is available exclusively on Windows 10 PCs and Xbox One family of devices.

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Sea of Thieves is ranked #1416 out of 1975 total reviewed games. It is ranked #99 out of 148 games reviewed in 2018.
1416. Sea of Thieves
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