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Rise of the Necromancer pack out now for Diablo III

Newest DLC pack brings back a new player class to the RPG

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Blizzard Entertainment has announced that the Rise of the Necromancer pack, which brings the necromancer class into Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, is now available digitally in-game.

In addition to a new class, the Rise of the Necromancer pack contains a number of items, including the Half-formed Golem in-game pet, cosmetic Wings of the Crypt Guardian for all your Diablo III characters, two additional character slots, two stash tabs (PC only), and Necromancer portrait, banner, sigil, and accent, and Blood Master pennant.

Console gamers who have yet to own Diablo III can now get the digital-only Eternal Collection, which includes the Rise of the Necromancer pack, Diablo III, and the Reaper of Souls expansion.

The Rise of the Necromancer pack is now available for $14.99 USD. The Diablo III: Eternal Collection bundle is currently available to PlayStation Plus members on PS4 and Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One through July 3 at a discounted price of $39.99. On PC, newcomers can take advantage of special savings of up to 50% off on Diablo III, the Reaper of Souls expansion, and the Diablo Battle Chest.

The Rise of the Necromancer Diablo 3

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