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Natural Disasters expansion coming to Cities: Skylines

A catalog of catastrophes to challenge mayor-players everywhere

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Paradox Interactive has announced Natural Disasters, the next expansion for Cities: Skylines.

The expansion features a catalog of catastrophes to challenge mayor-players everywhere, including planning with early warning systems and emergency routes, devastating and destructive disaster effects, and caring for the populace as they struggle to rebuild.

Natural Disasters will also update Cities: Skylines with a new scenario editor and gameplay mode, allowing players to finally win – or lose – the game on their own terms.

The expansion will add a series of city-destroying emergencies to Cities: Skylines, which can occur unexpectedly during the game – or be manually triggered. Buildings and infrastructure will be destroyed, fire can spread across locations, and countless lives may be lost unless players implement the right emergency plans and responses and keep an ear on the new radio alert system.

Natural Disasters will be available for Cities: Skylines players on Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs this winter.

Cities Skylines Natural Disasters

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Cities: Skylines is ranked #481 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #29 out of 111 games reviewed in 2015.
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