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Split Second developer call

Game director from Black Rock answers some press questions via a conference call

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With release being less than 2 weeks away, Split/Second developers have decided to host a conference call with the members of the gaming press, and New Game Network was very happy to listen in.
Spokespeople on the call were: 
Nick Baynes – Game Director from Black Rock Studio
Chase – Moderator

Part 1 [30m:02s]

Part 2 [29m:36s]

The question that was asked which we submitted was: "Using a "reality TV show premise" for a racing title is an interesting and unique take on the presentation. Where did the team get the inspiration to use such a setting in a racing game?" It was answered in the first 5 minutes of the call.

Look forward to Split/Second racing into stores on May 18th in North America.
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Our Review of Split Second
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Split Second is ranked #561 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #50 out of 105 games reviewed in 2010.
560. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
PlayStation 3
561. Split Second
562. Brink
Xbox 360

Split Second
19 images added Jun 7, 2010 01:25
Split Second - Downtown Racing
Posted: Apr 23, 2010 19:31
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