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Platform: Xbox One
Reviewed on PC

The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle is a philosophical first-person puzzle game from Croteam, the creators of the Serious Sam games, written by Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper) and Jonas Kyratzes (The Sea Will Claim Everything). As if awakening from a deep sleep, you find yourself in a strange, contradictory world of ancient ruins and advanced technology. Tasked by your creator with solving a series of increasingly complex puzzles, you must decide whether to have faith or to ask the difficult questions.

The Talos Principle arrives on Xbox One - Aug 31, 2018 13:56
Deluxe Edition out today for the console
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Game Screens
The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle box art Platform:
Xbox One
Our Review of The Talos Principle
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
The Talos Principle (PC) is ranked #192 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #17 out of 152 games reviewed in 2014.
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