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Platform: Xbox 360
Reviewed on PC

Supreme Commander

Also known as: SupCom

In the 37th Century, you are the Supreme Commanderof three races, with a single goal in mind—to end the 1000 year Infinite War and become the reigning power supreme. For a thousand years, three opposing forces have waged war for what they believe is true. There can be no room for compromise: their way is the only way. Dubbed The Infinite War, this devastating conflict has taken its toll on a once-peaceful galaxy and has only served to deepen the hatred between the factions. After centuries of struggle, the battle for supremacy has at last reached a turning point. Under your strategic command and leadership, will your faction will reign supreme? Will you be victorious and elevate your race to domination? Or will you lead them into the hell of defeat and ultimate extinction?  

Supreme Commander Review - Feb 7, 2009 01:00
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Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander box art Platform:
Xbox 360
Our Review of Supreme Commander
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Supreme Commander (PC) is ranked #440 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #10 out of 13 games reviewed in 2007.
440. Supreme Commander
441. Diablo 3
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