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Platform: Switch
Reviewed on Xbox 360

Deadly Premonition

Also known as: Deadly Premonition Origins

Deadly Premonition follows the adventures of Special Agent Francis York Morgan sent to the fictional Pacific Northwest town of Greenvale to investigate the brutal murder of a young local beauty. Amidst the backdrop of soaring mountains and a town filled with eccentric natives, Agent Morgan must solve the mystery of the Red Seed Murders and stay alive in a place where supernatural creatures and a legendary folklore killer seek to end his investigation permanently.

Deadly Premonition Review - Jun 3, 2011 01:20
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Game Screens
Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition box art Platform:
Our Review of Deadly Premonition
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
Deadly Premonition (Xbox 360) is ranked #608 out of 1991 total reviewed games. It is ranked #54 out of 105 games reviewed in 2010.
608. Deadly Premonition
609. Puzzle Dimension
PlayStation 3
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