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Middle-earth: Shadow of War

In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, players wield a new Ring of Power and confront new enemies, including Sauron and his Nazgul, in a battle for Middle-earth. The open-world action-adventure game includes the the expansion of the Nemesis System. The personalization from the first game is now applied to the entire world where the environments and characters are shaped by player actions and decisions.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Screenshots (20)
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Videos (8)
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Game Screens
Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Middle-earth: Shadow of War box art Platform:
PlayStation 4
Our Review of Middle-earth: Shadow of War
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Middle-earth: Shadow of War is ranked #588 out of 1986 total reviewed games. It is ranked #44 out of 174 games reviewed in 2017.
587. MLB The Show 17
PlayStation 4
588. Middle-earth: Shadow of War
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PlayStation 4
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