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The Count Lucanor

In The Count Lucanor, players join Hans in a fantasy world and experience a unique adventure, full of surprises and challenges. Unravel the sordid secrets of the castle, meet colorful characters, and remember: horror always lurks beneath the surface.

The Count Lucanor Screenshots (7)
The Count Lucanor Review - Apr 12, 2016 22:00
Game Screens
The Count Lucanor

The Count Lucanor

The Count Lucanor

The Count Lucanor
The Count Lucanor
The Count Lucanor box art Platform:
Our Review of The Count Lucanor
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
The Count Lucanor is ranked #639 out of 1985 total reviewed games. It is ranked #44 out of 138 games reviewed in 2016.
639. The Count Lucanor
640. Pyre
PlayStation 4
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