Saints Row 4
Also known as: Saints Row IV
In the next open-world installment of Saints Row, Volition continues the story of the Third Street Saints by elevating their status to the highest level – the leaders of the free world. In Saints Row IV, the head honcho of the Saints has been elected to the Presidency of the United States. But the Saints are just getting started. Now the larger-than-life insanity of the Saints series gets a new twist with a catastrophic alien invasion, and the aliens have transported the Saints to a bizarro-Steelport simulation.
Saints Row IV gets National Treasure Edition - Jun 24, 2014 17:35
Enter the Dominatrix DLC coming to Saints Row IV - Oct 10, 2013 12:39
Saints Row 4 sells one million units in first week - Aug 29, 2013 17:56
Wad Wad Edition of Saints Row 4 costs $1 million - Aug 9, 2013 10:29
Saints Row IV Inauguration Station available to... - Aug 6, 2013 17:03
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