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Platform: Xbox 360

PowerUp Heroes

The universe is in peril, and it's up to you to annihilate the forces of evil in PowerUP Heroes. Turn your Xbox360 avatar into a powerful superhero and face off in the ultimate cosmic showdown. Obliterate your enemy and seize their super suit and abilities to use in your next battle, like the mighty Necromancer suit which allows you to control a horde of skeletons, or the Mentalist suit to break into your enemy's mind. PowerUP Heroes is the ultimate super power-infused full-body fighting game for Kinect.  

PowerUp Heroes Screenshots (12)
PowerUp Heroes Review - Oct 18, 2011 01:21
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Game Screens
PowerUp Heroes

PowerUp Heroes

PowerUp Heroes

PowerUp Heroes
PowerUp Heroes
PowerUp Heroes box art Platform:
Xbox 360
Our Review of PowerUp Heroes
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
PowerUp Heroes is ranked #1635 out of 2000 total reviewed games. It is ranked #94 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
1635. PowerUp Heroes
1636. Dragon's Dogma
Xbox 360
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Platform: Xbox 360
Released: November 2011
Developer: Longtail Studios
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