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War of the Roses Review

A unique but slightly unpolished multiplayer experience

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This is only the base level of customization however. After choosing a crossbow, I had to make a decision over which reload mechanism it used, followed by the type of ammunition I would be firing, followed by any attachments I wanted to add. Each weapon has choices like this, and it is easy to become overwhelmed by all the options. The intricate combat system means that these choices are not cosmetic either, as they all influence the way you will be playing the game. It is quite difficult at times to compare items to see which one you would rather be using, but generally the class creation process is quite smooth. The cosmetic choices you do have are mainly about your coat of arms, which will be emblazoned on your armour, giving you that added bit of uniqueness on the battlefield. Though it is fairly hard to stand out among the crowd when each server usually has thirty-two players running around. There is a standard server browser for getting into online games. I usually sorted the list by latency so my playing experience was generally lag free.

The game looks nice, with good lighting and particle effects in places. However when compared to bigger budget multiplayer games such as Battlefield it just lacks that extra bit of polish in the textures and animations. The sound effects are also pretty decent, with satisfying noises giving you feedback on your attacks. You can clearly hear whether you have struck armour or flesh, and the fired projectiles make a scary whooshing sound if they come dangerously close.

War of the Roses game

It seems inevitable that with all the physics systems going on in the background that there will be some technical flaws with the game. I fell through the map on more than one occasion, meaning I had to just run until the game decided that I was too far out of bounds and respawned me. Spawning itself was not perfect either, as I watched people attempt to rejoin the game on top of their squadmates, only to appear in mid air off the side of a building. There were also several occasions when there would be a graphical glitch and I would be booted out to the desktop with no warning. After some research it seemed that some people were experiencing issues with the latest nVidia drivers, so this is something that can be fixed.

As a complete package, War of the Roses is both a fun and rewarding experience. There are some balancing issues and technical flaws which do hinder the game at times however. When in full flow, the battle is exciting, and even one on one battles become tense affairs. With a little more polish and variety, it could have been great. War of the Roses delivers a fairly unique experience, so it should not be ignored by people looking for something a little different in a large scale multiplayer game.

Our ratings for War of the Roses on PC out of 100 (Ratings FAQ)
Graphics are fairly good, particularly on higher video settings. They are not spectacular however, especially when compared to other large scale multiplayer games.
Tough to get going as a beginner, but with practice and after unlocking new weapons it becomes more satisfying.
Single Player
Only single player mode available is the decent tutorial. Majority of the game is online.
Good fun after learning the combat system, but it is lacking variety in the game modes and maps. There is an easy to use server browser, and servers usually offer a stable connection.
(Show PC Specs)
CPU: Intel Core i5-3470
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7800
OS: Windows 8 Professional
PC Specs

Multiple performance issues often get in the way of the action.
War of the Roses is a game that takes time to get used to. Once you do, combat is a tense and exciting affair, with arrows whizzing past your face, and multiple armoured opponents bearing down on you. If you’re looking for a slightly different multiplayer experience, this is the game for you.
War of the Roses
War of the Roses box art Platform:
Our Review of War of the Roses
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
War of the Roses is ranked #1048 out of 2001 total reviewed games. It is ranked #93 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
1048. War of the Roses
1049. Towns
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War of the Roses
14 images added Oct 10, 2012 20:43
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