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Dragon Age 2 Review

Following a solid debut, the Dragon Age series takes a step back as the sequel attempts to reinvent the formula that only needed tweaking

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Many players will recall Dragon Age: Origins with fond memories. It was a staple of the RPG genre for BioWare, and though it had some issues, most players were able to get behind the classic formula. Combined with a good story and characters, it was a great start to the franchise. Arriving less than two years after the original, Dragon Age 2 (DA2) is actually best described as a revamp of the franchise. Questions must be asked, of course, why the developers would spend so little time on the sequel, as well as decide to reboot the franchise on just the second title. There are similarities in DA2, and they are unsurprisingly among the best parts of this sequel. Had it been a spinoff title, this RPG would have likely found a solid place among action RPG fans, on consoles in particular. As it stands though, you can’t help but compare this to Origins and see just how much was lost in translation.
Unlike in Origins, players in DA2 will no longer select from a series of characters each with their own background story. This time, players must take on the role of Hawk, a refugee who fled the nation of Ferelden during the events of Dragon Age: Origins. Upon arrival in the neighboring state of Kirkwall, Hawk and his family find themselves locked out, and must work off the debts of their uncle before they may enter the city itself. From there, Hawk is thrown into various political and military situations, with player choices once again affecting the outcome of the story.
Dragon Age 2
At this point, it’s clear that this is a much more streamlined narrative experience, as players will no longer get a choice of how the world responds to their actions based on their past. There are some new conversation options if playing as a mage, but that’s about it. The game doesn’t necessarily suffer from a lack of races and backgrounds to play as, but it’s a noticeable omission from the previous game. On the plus side, Hawk is an actual character that players can relate to and who’s able to speak. This adds to the narrative in the long run, compared to Origins, adding immersion to the experience.
The story itself takes place over 10 years’ time, but don’t be fooled into thinking that this makes it any more exciting. Years pass by in simple cutscenes that tell a short tale of what happened in the meantime. There’s no affect on the gameplay world, at all, and the narrative would have had the same effect if it was 1 month or 1 year that passed by. This was a real opportunity for the game to take a shot at changing the game world, be it locations or characters, to make it a game where time has a strong impact. As it stands, the story could have happened over the course of a one year instead of ten, and players wouldn’t have noticed. Clocking in at under 20 hours with most of the side quests complete, the game’s significantly shorter than Origins, around just half the time taken.

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#7 Mar 16, 2011 17:24:06 (Mar 16, 2011 17:24)

 The game is so much less tactical, the spamy nature of the gameplay borrows from MMO design in the worst way.  I love bioware so I'll buy this once all the DLC is bundled in a year or so.  Until then I say a game that requires a 1 Gb texture pack download at launch for the full experience is not destined for greatness.
#6 Mar 16, 2011 10:28:57 (Mar 16, 2011 10:28)

I am an rpg fan, i love a good story, so I can over look the massive faults but its so frustrating to see all the great additions to the lore in DA ruined by a hurried launch, I do want to know whos at fault for this EA or Bioware and punch them in the face.
#5 Mar 15, 2011 18:46:47 (Mar 15, 2011 18:46)

metacritic user reviews are as reliable as a magic 8 ball. A Bioware employee posted a glowing review of it and that was taken down.
I think the real issue that hurt dragon age 2 is that it only took 16 months to make. That is assuming they started near the release of DA. Compared to 5+ years for the original. It seems the experience was less cohesive and there are lots of copy/paste dungeons.
Although the backlash has been relatively prevalent it will probably sell better than the original due to franchise recognition. So we might see DA3 in another 18 months. I won't be getting DA2.
#4 Mar 15, 2011 18:42:57 (Mar 15, 2011 18:42)

 I think i'd sooner play through Origins again than get this. As soon as i heard one of the devs of the game say "we like what the Mass Effect guys are doing" I knew there would be trouble. If there weren't many big games coming out in the next while I might get it, but that isn't the case. 
#3 Mar 15, 2011 17:59:20 (Mar 15, 2011 17:59)

There are reports that the user scores on metacritic were spammed via a certain infamous forum website, given the sheer amount of negatives posted.
#2 Mar 15, 2011 17:18:40 (Mar 15, 2011 17:18)

 your thoughts are reflected in the user metacritic score 
#1 Mar 15, 2011 11:02:47 (Mar 15, 2011 11:02)

This is a horrible game. Bioware should feel ashamed. Don't buy this.
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age 2 box art Platform:
Our Review of Dragon Age 2
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Dragon Age 2 is ranked #838 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #73 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
838. Dragon Age 2
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Dragon Age 2
19 images added Mar 15, 2011 01:01
Dragon Age 2 - Destiny Trailer
Posted: Aug 19, 2010 01:03
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