Most Anticipated Games of 2020
We look ahead to the most exciting games of the new decade
On this final page, we like to look back at how well our hopes played out over the last year. Let's take a look at our most anticipated games for 2019 and how they turned out!
60/100: "Anthem manages to offer up moments of fun, with occasionally chaotic action, Javelin gameplay variety and freeform traversal. But an overly convoluted and forgettable story, underwhelming RPG elements and outdated design choices make for a rough introduction to this brave new world."
Days Gone
66/100: "Days Gone is a fairly typical open world post apocalyptic survival title that offers a few memorable mechanics and story beats, but is eventually consumed by genre clichés. Poor technical performance further hinders its chances of survival, but perhaps with time that wound will heal."
Devil May Cry 5
78/100: "Devil May Cry 5 is an action title worth playing, filled with bombastic action, over-the-top character moments, and fun mechanics. It’s a game that forgoes any sense of nuance and relies on simply overloading your senses, and often succeeds at doing just that."
DiRT Rally 2.0
75/100: "With excellent vehicle handling, DiRT Rally 2.0 finds itself in a strong position. It also has superb visuals and brutal simulation aspects. Apart from AI issues and track repetition, it should please most rally fans."
Far Cry New Dawn
68/100: "New Dawn is more Far Cry for those who have extinguished all their other options, but its new additions aren't fleshed out quite enough to captivate newcomers looking for a substantial open world experience, or entice deserters that have grown tired of the franchise formula."
Kingdom Hearts III
80/100: "Kingdom Hearts III may not be the tour de force that fans have been craving for so many years, but it's brimming with beauty, variety, and setpieces that effectively utilize a fantastic combat system."
Metro Exodus
86/100: "Metro Exodus is a more than worthy successor to Last Light, successfully introducing open levels to break up the more linear sequences, while also retaining the unique look, feel and incredible atmosphere that made the previous games so memorable." The title also won our Game of the Year 2019.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
The game has been delayed to 2020. And is once again on our list!
61/100: "RAGE 2 held plenty of potential, but even considering how great the combat is, falls well short of that goal. The sequel is hampered by the same issues that cropped up in the original. The campaign is a non-factor and the open-world needed more life in it. Third time's the charm?"
Resident Evil 2
87/100: "Resident Evil 2 is certainly propped up by being a remake of an already excellent game, but it doesn’t simply lean on that legacy. There’s so much great work being done to revitalize the experience for a modern audience, and those efforts deserve to be experienced. Nostalgic fans already got their preorders, but for newcomers - you need to summon your courage, turn off all the lights, and let this game fill you with dread - because it’s worth it."
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
85/100: "Fantastic combat, stunning locales, and effortless traversal make Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice a thoroughly enjoyable change of pace for From Software. Though with some imperfections, it's still a uniquely bold statement from a studio that's proven their proficiency at establishing successful IP's."
The Division 2
82/100: "Though Washington D.C. lacks the memorable atmosphere of snow-bound New York, and you probably won’t care about the plot or characters, The Division 2 is a significantly more robust game at launch. It offers another incredibly detailed open world and a myriad of small tweaks and additions, with a promising future ahead."
Thanks for reading! And let the new year of gaming begin, as we wait for new consoles and even more unannounced titles!